Status Enquiry
When you find a debtor you need to know if they are worth pursuing for the money owed. Status Enquiry services will determine your next action.

Having found the missing debtor, the next step you may want to consider is whether or not the person is worth pursuing for the money owed. As it will undoubtedly cost you or your client more money to chase the debt, it is therefore necessary to consider carefully the risk involved. A calculated risk can be taken confidently when you are fully informed and aware of the facts when you make your decision.
At Insight, using a combination of skills and talents, we are able to ascertain the true financial circumstances of your errant debtor. Undertaking a background check is one of these first steps.
This information is then given to you in a detailed status report that will include our informed and independent opinion regarding their ability to repay the outstanding debt.
Also, if an approach is to be made, any payment proposal that they may offer will be duly reported.
We are also in a position to undertake worldwide status enquiries using overseas confidential contacts with the relevant knowledge and language skills.
Property Repossession
We are able to take instructions and to act on your behalf if you need to regain control of your property, having abandoned all hope of payment. Alternatively it may be that you need company property recovering from an ex-employee.
At Insight we recognise the need for tact and diplomacy when repossessing property, Our experienced agents are selected for their ability to remain professional and objective therefore minimizing the potential for conflict.
We believe that we have a much higher success rate employing this attitude and have successfully retrieved property for many clients, working in conjunction with the relevant official bodies when necessary.
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