5 Ways to Deter Employee Computer Crime

Don’t leave your business open to internal threats.  Deter employees from committing a cyber crime at work with these simple security measures.

As technology advances criminals are constantly finding new and innovative ways to steal from businesses.  Whilst it’s important to protect your business from outside threats, sadly the biggest threat to your cyber security could come from your own trusted employees.

Although it can be difficult to protect your computer systems and business data from the very people whom are building and adding to them daily, unfortunately it is a necessity.

Here are a few simple steps you can take to step up your business’ cyber security to deter computer crime or company fraud from being committed in-house by an employee.

Someone connecting to a VPN service so that they can avoid computer crime against them

Use technology to secure and limit access to computers and networks

With a multitude of new technologies allowing you to make your computers, networks and connections safer and more secure than ever, a combination of different measures should be used to secure company computers and sensitive data.  Fingerprint technology, passwords, biometrics and voice recognition are just a few of the technologies that can help to protect your most valuable data and information.

Monitor employees’ computer usage

By implementing computer monitoring at work you can keep track of the websites employees are visiting and files they’re uploading and downloading to help flag suspicious activity.   A few other ways you can monitor employee computer usage include auditing access to files, keeping tabs on cached web files, filtering web access and monitoring emails and instant messages.

Notify employees that their usage is being monitored

As well as monitoring employee computer usage, making sure that you let them know that you’re doing so can be the best deterrent there is!

Train employees in computer security

Your employees play a big part in your business’ security.  Give all employees basic training in computer and cyber security to equip them with the knowledge they need to recognise and react swiftly to a breach in security.  It’s also important that employees are fully conversant with security best practice like how to create a secure password and what phishing emails look like, in order to help protect from both internal and external threats.

Monitor the activities of employees working out of hours or out of office

Working out of hours and logging in remotely can occasionally be a warning sign that an employee may be hiding what they’re doing on the business network.  Make sure that employee activity undertaken out of hours doesn’t slip under the radar and is monitored just as closely, if not more so, than activity undertaken during normal working hours.

If you’ve got cause for concern and suspect that your business may be falling victim to computer crime or company fraud at the hands of an employee our private investigators can help you to investigate the situation in a way that is both professional and discrete.

To discuss your suspicions and how Insight Investigations can help you, give our private investigators a call on the number below or user our contact form.

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