Beware Of Indian Tech Support Scams

It seems that scams and instances of fraud from around the globe are never going to end. In the past we have discussed Nigerian dating scams, email fraud, Olympic related scams and the list seems to go on and on!

One of the latest and perhaps more concerning scams is one that is being run from India where people are getting phone calls from “technical support” staff, claiming to be from high standing organisations such as Microsoft, who will try to convince you that your PC or laptop has viruses that have been flagged with their technical team.

This scam on the face of it could and has conned people from countries such as the UK and the USA out of millions over the past few years, it needs to be stopped now.

Tech support scams are a thing to be aware of as people will scam you for your money and will keep coming back for more.

Following up on the initial pitch claiming to be from a said company, the fraudsters will then perform a “fix” on your system and look to take card details or bank details from you to pay for them “fixing” your computer and clearing it of a non-existent virus. It has also been known for the said scammers to try and sell you anti-virus software which they claim can be installed from their end; again this has cost people millions of pounds across many countries.

Interestingly it is only English speaking nations that have been targeted, with the amount of personal data in phonebooks and online easily accessed by the scammers it has made such countries an easy target.

Reassuringly the US Federal Trade Commission is working with the UK’s Serious Crime Agency and other global agencies of similar standing from around the globe, including India’s trading authorities to put a stop to the individuals and registered businesses actually performing this scam.

In times of financial hardship it is easy to see why criminals such as these prey on vulnerable targets, or anyone for that matter, however you do not want to fall victim to these scams. If you do suspect you have been  called, emailed or approached in any way by a criminal involved in these scams always notify the Police.

Insight have a wealth of experience in background checks and can also help to swiftly uncover if indeed the person or company contacting you is genuine; if you have any fears we are happy to help and would encourage you not to hesitate in contacting us. After all; wasting time could cost you money!

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