Insight Editor

Faking GPS Locations

The new technological development of faking GPS locations is just one of the advances in tech which has reshaped the way we live, interact and behave, but in the context of extramarital affairs it’s something which can enable partners to adopt second lives easily with very little chance of detection. Our dedicated relationships team here

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How to spot a COVID scam

With so many different methods adopted by scam artists, it can be hard to spot a COVID scam, however being able to identify the tell-tale signs of these sophisticated fraudsters is more important than ever. Action Fraud estimates that £34.5 million has been stolen using these types of scams since 1 March 2020. Over the

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London Private Investigators

London Investigators

Insight’s London based private Investigators and Detectives operate in a very different way to the operative teams in our other regional hubs.   At Insight Investigations we have field agents and operational teams stationed across the country and our specialist London regional team understands how to navigate the complexities of the UK’s capital city. Each

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TV Private Detectives

When asking the question – Who was the best TV private detective of all time? – we first need to understand why the world of private detectives has always been an area of fascination for many. Private detective shows shouldn’t be confused with police dramas – in fact the role of the private detective in

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copyright infringement

Copyright Infringement

Intellectual property theft can mean different things from copyright infringement to patent theft and is a very complex area to navigate with many different licences and regulations. The theft of intellectual property can be costly in the immediate term with loss of sales or market share but can also cause long term and irreparable damage

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